Crafting Update, ‘Ta Das’, and WIP


We are (already) halfway through the year, although someone should really tell the weather, I think. My plan to deal with all the difficult ‘lifey’ things by crafting my way through them means that I have become some sort of one-woman making machine in 2013. Well, it has been a flippin’ nightmare of a year so far. But, as a result I have tried and am loving some new activities, and have met new people along the way.

Did I show-and-tell my needle-felting? Well, it is the most therapeutic thing to, especially if you use a six needle punch! Very satisfying I can tell you! This week Doreen and I had a bit of a sit down and did a little bit of felting together (while the lovely John served us tea and cake- what a treat!). Doreen and I went to a needle felting workshop back in April. Doreen decided that she was going to make a picture of the Aurora Borealis as her first project, as you do! Anyway, it continues to be a work in progress and is really coming together and looking good. So while she worked on that and a fabulous flower brooch I dabbled with this flower type picture. I quite like it, and think that I will turn it into a cushion, perhaps. The other fabulous thing that I have  done over the past few weeks is ceramic painting at a local pottery painting place in Tewkesbury. I am not great at it, but it is a lovely way to spend a few hours with friends. At a recent evening I painted this pitcher. Now, considering that I forgot my glasses, and I drank some gorgeous red wine (thank you Phillippa), it turned out okay. Definitely a ‘must do again’ activity.

As far as the hooking goes…….. well, I have just been a frenzie of yarn winding this week! I have finished a small baby blanket for a customer. As you can see, I did a combo of Granny Sunburst and basic Granny Squares. This was mainly because I fancied a bit of a change, and it looks rather good too. Along with this I have almost finished a bigger blanket, I am just on the edging now. “Goodness” I hear you say  “what are you going to do with yourself when you have finished these customer orders?”. Not a problem, as I have had orders for TWO more blankets, plus some more bits and bobs too. More about that in a later blog.

Happy weekend!


Pam’s Boobies!


Here is my lovely friend, Pam and her daughter. They are about to set off on the Moonwalk, a midnight walk in London that raises money for the breast cancer charity. Oh, and all the ladies have to wear bra’s! When Pam said that she had to decorate a bra to wear on the walk I immediately offered to crochet her some rather special boobies, complete with tassels, for her ‘strut her stuff’ in. The pattern that I used is from a pro-breast feeding website, and is a baby hat. Mmmmmmm…. not sure I would want my baby to wear a boobie on his head, but hey ho, each to their own. Well done Pamela!
Pams boobs

Cloud’s Blanket……… in situ!


Here is a picture that make me feel proud and happy. It is the cot blanket that I made for customer Cloud (lovely name). As you can see it is adorning her daughter’s cot, miles away in Weymouth, Dorset. Hopefully the blanket-  that I fell in love with myself, will provide a little girl with hundreds of snuggly moments, and will continue to make any space that it is in look beautiful.Islas cot



I had such good news at the beginning of the week. The lovely Claire who owns Tewkesbury Sewing School asked me to become part of her little team. Thrilled is not the word. I will be helping at some of the existing workshops, helping to run the children’s half-term workshops, and then hopefully teaching my own at some point. I met Claire through my Stitch n’ Bitch group, which is running monthly and growing each time. I have made some great new friends through the group. I also took part in a needle felting workshop that Claire ran a few weeks ago. It was such a blissful way to spend a Saturday, we all had a lovely time, and I just love needle felting. Of course, what I really need is more time to do all of these wonderful crafts. Anyway, see the picture of my creations from that day, which are okay, but the other ladies made some gorgeous things. Total relaxation! needle TSS



Hi there all, I am out of hibernation and back in the land of the living! I have been very, very busy and stressed for the past few months, what with one thing and another (which I may or may not share, at some point), but things seem to be settling down a little now (fingers-crossed). As part of my ‘being good to myself’ plan, I have been trying out some new crafts, which I will definitely tell you all about over the next couple of weeks. I have also started to plan some fun social stuff with family and friends, all in the name of making life more fun. I have to say, it is working! I would recommend it. Speak soon guys 🙂 hello

Happy Hooking!


Hello, neglected you again……..sorry! Nevermind, I’m here now. I’ve had a very busy week or so, both at home and at work. As far as the creating goes….. that’s busy too! I bought this book with a voucher that I received last summer and was waiting for something a bit special to use it on. I have been admiring this beautiful afghan from Chicken Betty’s Blog, and she got all of the square patterns from this book by Jan Eaton. I would love to make this and would probably try and find the same  sunshine colours as they are gloriously cheerful. However, as I have orders for THREE Granny Sunburst blankets, goodness knows when I will get a chance to experiment! This is my newest GS blanket, a very girly pink and pastels combination, which is going to be lovely, and hopefully loved by it’s  new little owner. I  love the thought that they will become treasured and passed on for many years to come.

200mon5Krystles blanket

She’s Here!


Yes, my beautiful girl is back for a couple of weeks, before she heads back to NZ. Here she is having a cuddle with baby Alex, her friend Kimmi’s little boy. She is busy trying to catch-up with everyone, and is getting through the whole body -clock reversal slowly. She has slipped straight back into the routine of ‘borrowing’ (ahem- stealing!) my stuff. Something that I don’t have to deal with these days, living in a houseful of boys! It is lovely to have her around, even if it is only for a little while. Time to start saving for my trip across the world, I think.lisa

What’s New?


I am VERY pleased that February has arrived, with a flurry of new friendships, fun and a little bit of sunshine. Last week was good for a few reasons.

On Monday I held my third Stitch n’ Bitch, and it was a case of quality over quantity really, as only two ladies came, but we all got on so well and it lifted my spirits no end. Thank you Phillippa and Gina. Work went well this week too. I feel that I am getting a grip on the whole thing now. I settled in straight away as the people there are so lovely, but the role felt overwhelming (big expectations+ a short amount of time= gulp!). With the help of my wonderful (and very wise) line-manager I now have some structure, order, and a little less work, phew!

On Friday I was invited to join a group of ladies to celebrate a birthday at a local Indian restaurant. I was a little unsure as I only knew one of them, but figured “what the hell”. The result was more fun, lots of laughter (sorry, other diners!) and more friends. Hoorah!

I have asked about our wedding plans a couple of times this week. Aaarrrrggghh, I confess, none have been made, and we are intending to marry in the autumn!  Obviously, the most important arrangements are clothes and a hen-do, right? ‘Of course’ I hear you reply. So when I saw this article in this months copy of Simply Homemade I thought it might work. From what I can gather, Bristol seems to be fast becoming the craft capital of the South West. It is about an hour from here (need to move!), and I think that this knicker making party (for the hen-do, I mean, not for me to wear on the day!) sounds like fun. They do lots of other things at Flo-Jo’s Boutique too. One of the conversations that we had on Monday evening was about setting up our own little craft co-operative type group where we shared skills, and I would love to have something like Flo-Jo’s in Tewkesbury. We already have The Paint Pot that does pottery painting and arty type things- which is great, and The Button Draw for haberdashery and woolly type activities. But I think there is room for something else too. Mmmmmm……. thinking-caps on!flo-jo

Bye Bye Bump, Sleep Tight


Our little rescue cat has sadly passed away. We were asked to give her a home by the Cat Protection League last year, as because she was blind, deaf and getting on a bit no-one wanted her. We soon found out that she had an incredibly loud meow, which probably didn’t endear her to people! But we loved her, and she grew used to being handled, and the dog, and our other naughty cats, and we feel privileged to have made the last year of her life happy and cosy for her. Bump