Monthly Archives: June 2013

Crafting Update, ‘Ta Das’, and WIP


We are (already) halfway through the year, although someone should really tell the weather, I think. My plan to deal with all the difficult ‘lifey’ things by crafting my way through them means that I have become some sort of one-woman making machine in 2013. Well, it has been a flippin’ nightmare of a year so far. But, as a result I have tried and am loving some new activities, and have met new people along the way.

Did I show-and-tell my needle-felting? Well, it is the most therapeutic thing to, especially if you use a six needle punch! Very satisfying I can tell you! This week Doreen and I had a bit of a sit down and did a little bit of felting together (while the lovely John served us tea and cake- what a treat!). Doreen and I went to a needle felting workshop back in April. Doreen decided that she was going to make a picture of the Aurora Borealis as her first project, as you do! Anyway, it continues to be a work in progress and is really coming together and looking good. So while she worked on that and a fabulous flower brooch I dabbled with this flower type picture. I quite like it, and think that I will turn it into a cushion, perhaps. The other fabulous thing that I have  done over the past few weeks is ceramic painting at a local pottery painting place in Tewkesbury. I am not great at it, but it is a lovely way to spend a few hours with friends. At a recent evening I painted this pitcher. Now, considering that I forgot my glasses, and I drank some gorgeous red wine (thank you Phillippa), it turned out okay. Definitely a ‘must do again’ activity.

As far as the hooking goes…….. well, I have just been a frenzie of yarn winding this week! I have finished a small baby blanket for a customer. As you can see, I did a combo of Granny Sunburst and basic Granny Squares. This was mainly because I fancied a bit of a change, and it looks rather good too. Along with this I have almost finished a bigger blanket, I am just on the edging now. “Goodness” I hear you say  “what are you going to do with yourself when you have finished these customer orders?”. Not a problem, as I have had orders for TWO more blankets, plus some more bits and bobs too. More about that in a later blog.

Happy weekend!
